Study Abroad In United States
BLSC believes in global access to education. One of the perks of being a BLSC member is access to our student exchange and study abroad programs. Since Blended Learning and Study Center is a U.S. based corporation; most of our contact schools are located in the United States and some parts of Canada. If your goal is to attend a school in Europe, Asia, or England, we will connect you with our network in these regions.
There are two types of Study Abroad packages–involvement in a higher education program that has some form of reciprocity with a U.S. or foreign Institution; and direct application to attend a higher education institution or K-12 institution. BLSC will work with you to gain access to any
institution at either level. BLSC will provide you with direct contact with The Admissions Officers of each institution so that you can develop a personal rapport with them; as well as hear from them about their requirements.
The process of getting your application, submitting it, receiving acceptance notification, and getting enrolled may take between 3-12 months. If you need an expedited process of 3-6 months or less, then start the process as early as possible.
The first step is to pay the $50 membership fee and fill out the online student membership application in its entirety. The more information you provide, the faster we can begin the application process.